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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2022/2023 School Year

18th Nov 2022
To coincide with the NASA launch of the Artamis Space Shuttle, we used balloons...
18th Nov 2022
We were lucky to get a whole class photo :) 
18th Nov 2022
Mouse from OWLS (Outdoor Wildlife Learning Survival) came to visit last week. ...
18th Nov 2022
Some children in our class generously donated items for the Team Hope shoebox appeal....
17th Nov 2022
We've had a real fun past two weeks in 6th Class.  Last week we exploring the...
17th Nov 2022
We were delighted to welcome the Leinster Ladies champions to St George's NS this...
17th Nov 2022
This week we had great fun trying out different scientific experiments . From biology...
15th Nov 2022
We have all become keen gardeners in 4th class thanks to Ms Murray. She  has...
14th Nov 2022
Science Week is a week-long event in Ireland each November, celebrating science...
11th Nov 2022
In big news this week, we have started learning our sounds in Junior Infants. /s/...