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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2022/2023 School Year

23rd Nov 2022
Last week in our class we celebrated Science Week. We learned all about famous...
20th Nov 2022
We loved learning and singing this song in Irish. We feel it’s very appropriate...
20th Nov 2022
During science week we enjoyed working in groups carrying out experiments and learning...
20th Nov 2022
We had a lot of fun together before the Halloween break, it was well deserved after...
20th Nov 2022
Another fun week learning science. This week we were learning all about sound. We...
20th Nov 2022
A huge thank you to Ms. Needham and Active Schools! Thanks to Ms. Needham's amazing...
18th Nov 2022
We had great fun doing various experiments at stations during Sceience week. We...
18th Nov 2022
Science Week was a big hit for the curious minds in Room 3. We really enjoyed observing...
18th Nov 2022
This week we learned all about Rosa Parks. She was an American activist in the civil...
18th Nov 2022
We learned how to shade using our pencils in art last week. We explored leaning...