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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2022/2023 School Year

2nd Mar 2023
We were all very excited today in school as we went to the book fair. Some of us...
2nd Mar 2023
As part of World Book Week all classes were asked to pick a book and to decorate...
2nd Mar 2023
As part of World Book Week we designed and made our own book covers. We picked our...
28th Feb 2023
On Tuesday, the 28th of February, we got the opportunity to go to Rolestown N.S....
25th Feb 2023
Last week, we spent our SESE time learning about Animal Food Chains and all the...
23rd Feb 2023
We drew a picture and used tiny pieces of paper to colour our pictures in. 
23rd Feb 2023
This week we were learning about how people stay in touch now and in the past. Did...
23rd Feb 2023
We enjoyed some pancakes in school on Tuesday. We learned that Pancake Tuesday is...
22nd Feb 2023
We have been busy learning about what plants need to grow. We learned the names...
22nd Feb 2023
Last week second class took part in a design and make activity using marshmallows...