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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2022/2023 School Year

Last week was Active week in St Georges. It was great fun. Every Morning before...
2nd May 2023
Very busy and active week!  We had lots of fun this week - playing basketball,...
2nd May 2023
In our class, we have become amazing builders! We love using Lego to create different...
2nd May 2023
We were learning all about playtime in the past and comparing it to playtime today....
2nd May 2023
We had a lot of fun learning all about France. In Art, we created our own Eiffel...
28th Apr 2023
This week was Active week in school. Everyday started with a Wake Up Dance. Our...
28th Apr 2023
  Salut! Ca va? Comment tu t’appelles? 4th Class have been given...
28th Apr 2023
This week we started our Relationships and Sexuality Education. In class we discussed...
28th Apr 2023
We are bringing a wonderfully successful active schools week to a close today with...
28th Apr 2023
The children had great fun with some of Mouse's friends - he brought two newts into...