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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2021/2022 School Year

4th Oct 2021
Dear Parents and guardians, We remind you that sick children should not be...
1st Oct 2021
We have been working on our jumping skills in PE. In particular we have been focusing...
30th Sep 2021
As part of our History work on Myths and Legends, 4th Class have been learning the...
25th Sep 2021
Dear parents/guardians, members of the school communityPlease note the following...
23rd Sep 2021
One of our focus topics for maths this month was lines and angles. The class learned...
15th Sep 2021
The school year got off to a great start in Room 12! The children developed their...
27th Aug 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians, We are looking forward to welcoming all pupils...

2020/2021 School Year

28th Jun 2021
Read all about the wonderful work that has been taking place at St George's NS in...