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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin

Science week and Curious Minds 🫧 🧪

16th Nov 2023

Sixth class signed up to watch Curious Minds Science livestream shows - this was an exciting fusion of exploration and discovery! We got a certificate for our participation too. 

We carried out a couple of experiments. For our Lava Lamp experiment, we used vegetable oil, effervescent tablets, water and food colouring. We discussed why oil and water don’t mix. When we added the effervescent tablets, we noticed there was a reaction with the water to form carbon dioxide gas and sodium citrate. 

For our next experiment, we used tea lights, plates, food colouring and glasses. When the candle was lit, we placed a glass over it and noticed that the candle went out and the water got sucked up into the glass. We discovered that water is drawn into the glass until the atmospheric pressure is equalised.