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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2021/2022 School Year

22nd Jun 2022
22nd Jun 2022
Here are some pictures of our artwork from this term. We also planted our sunflower...
22nd Jun 2022
Yesterday we had our sports day. It was a fun, energetic day filled with lots of...
22nd Jun 2022
On 10th of June our class went to Tayto Park on their school tour.  We had...
22nd Jun 2022
Great excitement at St George's today! 6th class won an outdoor speaker for the...
22nd Jun 2022
Despite the rain, we had a fantastic day.
22nd Jun 2022
There was great excitement today in St George's. We had a drone delivery of treats...
21st Jun 2022
Congratulations to everyone for taking part in their first ever St George's Sports...
20th Jun 2022
We went on our school tour to Newgrange Farm. It was so much fun. We held chicks,...
17th Jun 2022
The West Midland Theatre Company came to our school today and performed the play...