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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2022/2023 School Year

14th Jun 2023
We really enjoyed learning about other places this week. We did a country study,...
14th Jun 2023
We were so well behaved on our school tour that we got to hold a bubble party! We...
14th Jun 2023
This year first class went to The Zoo! We started our day by completing the Rainforest...
14th Jun 2023
In first class we have been learning all about capacity! We really enjoyed using...
14th Jun 2023
Check out our amazing bird sculptures! We made these beautiful birds using coloured...
We were so excited to plant some of our vegetables in our bed that we have been...
14th Jun 2023
We have been enjoying the wonderful sunshine so much in first class that we have...
We absolutely loved Active Week in Room 5! We were so lucky and got to try so many...
As part of Engineer's Week we read the story The Dot, teacher then challenged us...
We were so excited to finally start planting our seeds for our vegetable patch!...