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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

11th Apr 2024
We had a Guess The Sweets competition in school a while ago and the children had...
11th Apr 2024
We are linking letters and pictures in Junior infants. We are making words in Junior...
10th Apr 2024
First week back at school is going well for us, despite the persistent rain! ...
10th Apr 2024
We planted flowers and vegetables back in the Autumn and they are starting to flower...
In room one we have been learning all about under the sea. We have learned about...
10th Apr 2024
We carried out an experiment with skittles. It shows that the colur sugar that is...
10th Apr 2024
In room one we have been looking at plants. What do they need to stay alive?We decided...
8th Apr 2024
We have been learning all about forces and designed and made our own Table Football...
8th Apr 2024
We have been learning about soft and loud sounds and testing out what different materials...
8th Apr 2024
We have been learning about the importance of our oceans and how we can protect them....