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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2021/2022 School Year

17th Jun 2022
A few weeks ago in the 3rd and 4th class yard we spotted some small blobs on the...
16th Jun 2022
Junior Infants – Ms Quinn’s Class Junior Infants went on their first...
15th Jun 2022
The Yellow Flag Committee were delighted to have the opportunity to celebrate Intercultural...
15th Jun 2022
We celebrated Intercultural Day on 15th June. We really enjoyed learning about other...
10th Jun 2022
6th classed attended a Soccer Blitz run by Balbriggan FC in Bremore All-Weather...
9th Jun 2022
On Wednesday, we went on our school tour to Tayto Park. We had the best day ever!...
7th Jun 2022
Hi Everyone, We are working very hard and having great fun this term. Here are...
5th Jun 2022
Hi Everyone, On Thursday the 2nd of June, we headed off on a double-decker bus...
31st May 2022
We have been learning all about Gabi Jimenez and his art work this week as part...
24th May 2022
6th Class held a cake sale in school.