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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

9th Oct 2023
Friendship Week was fun! We learned all about bullying and how we can play a part...
9th Oct 2023
6th Oct 2023
This week was space week! We enjoyed discussing what what an astronaut does, what...
6th Oct 2023
We have covered a lot about space over the last week. In SESE lessons, we have dived...
6th Oct 2023
This week we celebrated Space Week in school. We learned about the sun ☀️. We...
6th Oct 2023
We explore our solar system this week. We had a lot of fun completing different...
6th Oct 2023
We have been busy learning all about our families....our parents, siblings, grandparents...
6th Oct 2023
Today we made treats in school. 😊 We read a recipe for Twelvies and answered...
6th Oct 2023
This week we learned that the world is full of ‘algorithms’. An algorithm...