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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

17th Nov 2023
Our first Science Week was full of investigating. We did an experiment called Dancing...
17th Nov 2023
This week we have been reading about rockets, astronauts, planets, the sun and the...
17th Nov 2023
This week we learned about Nutrition   Energy  in science. We focused...
17th Nov 2023
We finished our scarecrow art lesson today. We had great fun picking out our different...
17th Nov 2023
Everyone at St George’s NS was delighted to receive the Kindness Flag, sent...
17th Nov 2023
We are learning about symmetry in Art this week! Look at our great work!
16th Nov 2023
Over four weeks we will be following short videos led by Olympians and athletes....
16th Nov 2023
Sixth class signed up to watch Curious Minds Science livestream shows - this was...
16th Nov 2023
For Science Week, 5th Class have been learning all about 'What Friction Is?'. ...