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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

20th Jan 2024
Strand: Energy and Forces            Strand Unit:...
20th Jan 2024
This week we watch a drawing lesson on YouTube to help is draw Mike from Monsters...
20th Jan 2024
We started 2024 with a bang! We all came back rested and excited to get back...
19th Jan 2024
It is icy cold here in St. George’s and we are busy painting a snowy scene!!
18th Jan 2024
This week we investigated forces that we see around us everyday and how they are...
18th Jan 2024
We had a busy first week back at school. We started the week thinking of our resolutions...
17th Jan 2024
The Experiment: We carried out a simple experiment to watch would happen to an egg’s...
17th Jan 2024
We have been enjoying dancing in PE lessons. We have been making up some dance moves...