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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

27th Feb 2024
For engineering week, the children examined and explored triangles, focusing on...
27th Feb 2024
Today Ms Storey and Ms Anderson's class had the pleasure of welcoming a real engineer...
27th Feb 2024
26th Feb 2024
Using our engineering skills, we made these fantastic windmills!!
23rd Feb 2024
As part of engineers week, we were each given the task of researching some of the...
23rd Feb 2024
We love exploring numbers in Junior Infants. We are getting really good at using...
We have been learning about the Global Development Goals in our class. We talked...
22nd Feb 2024
Importance of MMR vaccine and being measles aware In recent months there has been...