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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

6th Mar 2024
We had a really brilliant day at the International Women's Day Rugby Blitz with...
5th Mar 2024
We decided to make bridges to celebrate engineering week. First we had to plan...
4th Mar 2024
Today the 5th and 6th class spotted an interesting visitor. A pheasant decided to...
2nd Mar 2024
On Friday 1st March we had our Global Citizenship Litter and Waste Action Day. We...
2nd Mar 2024
In Art this month we have been working further along our Art History timeline. We...
2nd Mar 2024
In SESE this week we have been learning about climate and weather. We learned how...
2nd Mar 2024
As part of World Book Day each year we have a competition where each class has to...
1st Mar 2024
1st Mar 2024
This week we have been learning all about FairTrade and Global Goals! We played...
1st Mar 2024
We have been learning about how we canplay our part to take care of our planet....