Keeping Active in 2nd Class
8th Dec 2020
We have been trying to be more active in 2nd class as this benefits both our physical and mental health. It also helps us to concentrate better in class which will have a positive impact on our learning.
In class we discussed how to be more active and reduce sedentary time. We came up with the following ways to be more active both in school and at home.
Getting around
- We can walk more, use our scooter or bicycle and leave the car at home.
Exercise in school/at home
- We have been doing GoNoodle and Just Dance in school and running laps of the school yard.
- Exercise at home with family, you can do Go Noodle, Just Dance, go on your trampoline, go for a walk, do some jumping jacks. Anything to move more often. Have Fun! Choose one of these activities for your active homework.
Take up a new hobby or sport
- Play sports with family and friends either at home or in the park.
- Go swimming or get involved with a local team and play basketball, football, GAA or take a class like Taekwondo or Gymnastics.
St. George's National School, Naul Road, Balbriggan Co. Dublin Phone: 01-8410107