Engineering fun with a real Engineer!
Today Ms Storey and Ms Anderson's class had the pleasure of welcoming a real engineer from the company Pfizer. He spoke about his earlier life leaving South Africa, and then coming to Ireland to train through an apprenticeship, and then on further with his studies in college to become an engineer. He described what his job involves, as he manages teams of engineers each day, emphasising in particular the importance of safety training for all his staff. We also learned about the wide range of engineering roles in the Pfizer company, such as structural, mechanical, environmental and chemical engineering. Finally he gave us a chance to work as engineers in teams, attempting to build tall structures using marshmallows and spaghetti pasta. Not as easy as we thought it would be, but we still had fun working together!
St. George's National School, Naul Road, Balbriggan Co. Dublin Phone: 01-8410107