2022/2023 School Year
In First class we really enjoyed all of our Easter activities! We had an Easter...
We have been so lucky to work on our reading with Ms Trainor's 6th class! We firstly...
Check out our adorable Spring Chicks that we made to celebrate the start of Spring!
We have been so busy learning all about Mexico in First class that we decided we...
We were so lucky to have a visit from Garda Áine to talk about how we can...
We read The Whale that Wanted More and were inspired to decorate our door for World...
We had so much fun designing our dream pancakes in Gaeilge for Pancake Tuesday in...
We had a fantastic time performing our Valentine's Day for Assembly for the whole...
- All
- 1st Ms Whelan room 1*
- 1st/2nd Ms Trainor Room 5*
- 2nd Class Mr Hanlon Room 6*
- 3rd Class Ms Corrie Room 7*
- 3rd Ms Needham Room 8*
- 4th Ms Gaughan/Glancy Room 12*
- 4th Ms McMahon Room 14*
- 5th Class Ms Callaghan Room 17*
- 5th Mr Power Room 13*
- 5th Ms Storey Room 18*
- 6th Class Ms Dunne Room 19*
- 6th Class Ms Kearns Room 15*
- Engineering (DSPM)
- eTwinning
- Green Schools
- Home
- Homepage
- JI Ms Ryan Room 4*
- Maths (DPSM)
- Mr Agbede*
- Mr Gilsenan*
- Ms Conroy*
- Science (DPSM)
- Show and Tell (DPSM)
- SI Room 2*
- Student Council
- Technology (DPSM)
- Yellow Flag
St. George's National School, Naul Road, Balbriggan Co. Dublin Phone: 01-8410107