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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin


2023/2024 School Year

31st Jan 2024
St Brigid is very busy here in 4th class!! She has used her cloak to cleverly have...
31st Jan 2024
Do you like our masks? Can you work out who is who?
29th Jan 2024
Dear parents/guardians, your views are important to us at St George’s NS....
26th Jan 2024
This week teacher gave every table the same resources and equipment and we were...
26th Jan 2024
We started this term doing Gymnastics in PE. We worked on creating different shapes...
26th Jan 2024
We are busy learning about exploded design in 4th class!! It was great!!
22nd Jan 2024
We were amazing scientists, investigating what affect different materials of balls...
22nd Jan 2024
In science, we learned all about seeds. Seeds are like tiny magic packages that...
22nd Jan 2024
Guess what? We've been having so much fun in our class lately, and we can't wait...
20th Jan 2024
While learning about games in the past in history, we learned about playing marbles....