Biodiversity Survey
17th May 2021
As part of our Green Flag we asked some students to complete a survey to see what they already know about Biodiversity. Here are some of our findings;
- 41% of students surveyed knew that Biodiversity was to do with plants and animals.
- 35% of students surveyed were able to identify one reason why Biodiversity is important.
- 26% of students surveyed were able to identify one threat to Biodiversity.
- 32% of students surveyed were able to come up with one way to help Biodiversity.
- 32% of students surveyed identified the cutting down of trees as a threat to Biodiversity and 30% said pollution had a negative effect on Biodiversity.
- 17% of students recognised the importance of planting as a way to improve Biodiversity.
We asked them to identify some Native Irish plants and animals, here is what we learned;
- The most recognised animal was the Hedgehog with 91% of students identifying it correctly.
- Only 43% of students were able to identify the Badger with many confusing him for a skunk.
- The most recognised tree was the Oak Tree and the least recognised was the Silver Birch Tree.
- 50% of students recognised the Buttercup but only 2% of students could identify the Primrose, Gorse and Fuschia, so we need to brush up on our Native Flowers knowledge!
- Of the students surveyed most could identify at least three of the animals in the quiz.
Can you identify the plants and animals in the pictures?
St. George's National School, Naul Road, Balbriggan Co. Dublin Phone: 01-8410107