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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin

1st week back at school

1st Sep 2023


The first day of school was a little different because we found out we were mixed 5th and 6th class and some of our friends were in the other class.  First we introduced ourselves and got to know each other. Then we played a game and told ourselves about each other and it was interesting to know about people we never knew before. Then we did colouring and went outside to play a game called find someone who …. Then we went inside and Ms Dunne gave us some lollipops and we did some graffiti art. Then we wrote all the counties of Ireland and we had to colour the counties. The next day we did some work then we had our break. We went outside to play. After that we played Uno  with a few people from our table. The next day we started by doing maths and english. We did some free colouring and drawing and then we had our break. We went outside and met our old friends in our old class. After we went outside we came in and did some more English and Maths. Then we had some Golden Time. We have settled into our class and are now feeling better about being in a new class. We are looking forward to the rest of the year.

                                           By Iosua,Moses and Emmanuel (6th class)